Flux PunchNormal Attack
Kamui punches with two fists, dealing P.ATK *85% P.DMG to 1 enemy. After attacking, purifies all debuffs from self.
Passive Effect
Pure Flux: Purifies own Disease, Plague, and Curse effects.
Alterland SéanceAdvanced
Punches forward, dealing P.ATK *141% P.DMG to 1 enemy. Inflicts target with Séance Binding for 2 rounds.
Séance Binding: Decreases target's damage by 30% for 2 rounds. This effect can be purified.
Passive Effect
Séance of Strength: Increases Alterland Séance's damage by 20%.
Séance of Victory: With Limuthule's Protection, Alterland Séance is guaranteed to deal Crits.
Limuthule's FuryUltimate
Condenses and then unleashes energy, dealing P.ATK *428% P.DMG to 1 enemy. This skill consumes all current Rage and increases damage dealt.
Kamui gets Limuthule's Protection effect, which immediately clears the cooldown of Alterland Séance and reduces all damage taken by 10%. This effect lasts 2 rounds and cannot be dispelled.
Kamui gets Forest Wind effect. This effect lasts for 2 rounds and can be dispelled.
Forest Wind: Attack First effect. Target with this effect will get to move first in the turn. This effect lasts 2 rounds and can be dispelled.
Passive Effect
Concentrated Blast: Increases the damage of Limuthule's Fury by 25%.
Spirit Strength: When Kamui has Limuthule's Protection effect, casting Flux Punch/Alterland Séance restores an extra 5/10 Rage.
Wind of Agility: With Forest Wind, character is immune to Delay effects.
Alterland WarriorMastery
Kamui is a master of the Alterland fighting style. When battle begins, he gets Alterland Fighting Style, Force of Wind, and Tailwind.
Alterland Fighting Style: Grants immunity to Oppressed and increases all damage dealt. This effect is not removed on death, cannot be dispelled and lasts until the end of battle.
Force of Wind: After battle begins, Kamui gets Force of Wind effect. This effect is not removed on death, cannot be dispelled and lasts until the end of battle. This effect has a 1 round cooldown.
Force of Wind: After Kamui deals damage, if damage is greater than or equal to 30% HP, the target will suffer Stun. Stun lasts 1 round and can be purified.
Ancestral Aegis: While in combat, if Kamui's HP falls below 20%, he will immediately get God effect and recover 40% Max HP. This effect has a 3-round cooldown.
This effect is removed on death, but cannot be dispelled and lasts until the end of battle. Realized Potential: Starting from the 3rd round of battle, every 3 rounds, Kamui will get one Realized Potential effect. This effect is not removed on death, cannot be dispelled and lasts until the end of battle.
Realized Potential: While the effect is active, increases damage dealt by an extra 30% for 2 rounds. Can be dispelled. If Kamui does not defeat an enemy within 2 rounds or if the effect is dispelled, then at the end of the 2 rounds, he will suffer Stun for 1 round. This Stun effect cannot be purified.
Tailwind: After battle begins, every 1 round refreshes, Kamui will get 1 stack of Penetration effect. This is stackable up to 5 times. This effect is not removed on death, cannot be dispelled and lasts until the end of battle.
Penetration: Ignores 20% of the target's DEF. Stackable up to 5 times. This effect is not removed on death, cannot be dispelled and lasts until the end of battle.
If Kamui is revived after dying, he gets Aegis Limit effect. This effect cannot be dispelled, and lasts until the end of battle.
God: While the effect is active, gets immunity to any effect that renders character uncontrollable, as well as debuffs. Lasts 1 round.
Aegis Limit: Kamui's DEF falls by 100%. This effect is not removed on death, cannot be dispelled and lasts until the end of battle.
Passive Effect

Protected by the spirits of the forest; Wield the power of the wind in his palms.
Red Harbor is a machine that never sleeps, and the Metal Capital of Luxium. In addition to the fuel of capitalism, what drives this behemoth are the people that function as its gears. Every year, countless young dreamers come to Red Harbor to find their future, but there is one that stands out from the rest...
He wears a unique robe and a finely-crafted handmade necklace, while an old-fashioned blade hangs at his waist. A dark blue patterned turban sits atop his head and floats in the wind. Upon his face, the man wears a pure and simple smile.
As if to feel the life of this behemoth beneath his feet, he walks the streets of Red Harbor shoeless.
"A moving lump of iron! A box that can run on water! Amazing! We don't have these where I come from!"
His name is Kamui, and he first came to Red Harbor to find work.
However, many of the Red Harbor locals have ulterior motives, and they use surreptitious methods to make money off migrant workers such as Kamui. With their imposing figures and scary countenances, they often succeed. However, Kamui is an exception. Although Kamui is short in stature, he possesses frightening strength.
He also wields a kind of arcana that can summon the power of the wind in battle.
Those who recognize Kamui's attire say he comes from a forest tribe near Yggdrasil in the northern part of Luxium, but what has motivated this man to cross the continent and come to Red Harbor is anybody's guess.
It must be a powerful motivation, indeed...