Shield CrashNormal Attack
Batur swings his shield at an enemy, dealing PATK * 84% physical damage and gains 1 stack of Wind Blessing.
Wind Blessing: Each stack reduces physical damage taken by 5%, stacking up to 5 times. Lasts until battle ends, cannot be dispelled.
Passive Effect
Shield Pummel: Normal attacks place Unbalanced on the target for 2 rounds.
Unbalanced: While the effect is active, reduces the target's damage dealt by 15% for 2 rounds. Can be purified.
Alterland ChargeAdvanced
Batur raises his shield and charges at 1 enemy, dealing PATK * 204% physical damage and interrupts all chants and channels. Also gains 1 stack of Blood of the Forest. If target has Unbalanced, then places 2 rounds of Disability on the target.
Blood of the Forest: Each stack increases max HP by 5%, stacking up to 20 times. Lasts until battle ends, cannot be dispelled.
Unbalanced: While the effect is active, reduces the target's damage dealt by 15%. Does not stack. Lasts 2 rounds, can be purified.Disability: A Stun-like effect. While the effect is active, loses control of the character for 2 rounds. Cannot be purified.
Passive Effect
Fearless Charge: If Disability was not placed on the target, then target takes additional physical damage equal to 20% of max HP.
Shield Cover: If there are at least 5 stacks of Blood of the Forest, then places Shield Cover on all allies for 2 rounds.
Shield Cover: While the effect is active, reduces the physical damage taken by 25% for 2 rounds. Can be dispelled.
Limuthule's DefenseUltimate
Batur prays to Limuthule, summoning an ancestral soul to the battle to protect allies. Consumes all the Wind Blessing stacks to place a Limuthule's Soul on all allies. For every stack of Wind Blessing consumed, the shield is increased by 10%. This skill also consumes all the rage to increase the shield. Gains 2 stacks of Blood of the Forest after using this ability. This skill generates a high amount of threat.
Limuthule's Soul: While the effect is active, the holder absorbs damage equal to 21% of Batur's max HP (shield increases as skill level increases). Lasts 2 rounds, can be purified.
Passive Effect
Ancestral Blessing: Increases the shield of Limuthule's Soul by 10%.
Warrior's Faith: When Limuthule's Soul is shattered, returns 6 rage to Batur.
Light of the Gods: After the Limuthule's Soul is normally removed, the target gains Strength of the Forest God. If not normally removed, the target gains Breath of the Forest God.
Strength of the Forest God: While the effect is active, reduces the target's damage taken by 15% and increases the target's damage dealt by 20% for 2 rounds. Can be dispelled.
Breath of the Forest God: While the effect is active, reduces the target's damage taken by 25% for 2 rounds. Can be dispelled.
Alterland LeaderMastery
Nothing can move Batur and his colossus shield. Batur is immune to Freeze, Silence, and Stun. Damage taken is also reduced, and gains 1 stack of Wind Blessing before taking action each round or when he takes damage. After taking action every round, Batur gains 1 stack of Blood of the Forest. When battle starts, Batur gains Tribal Courage and Unbreakable Shield.
During PvE, if Kamui is also in battle (Kamui must have unlocked the mastery effect), then Batur's shield from Tribal Courage is increased by 100%, and Kamui gains Tribal Courage as well.
Wind Blessing: Each stack reduces physical damage taken by 5%, stacking up to 5 times. Lasts until battle ends, cannot be dispelled.
Blood of the Forest: Each stack increases max HP by 5% (5 times the effect in PvP). Stacks up to 20 times, lasts until battle ends, and cannot be dispelled.
Tribal Courage: Absorbs damage equal to 10% of Batur's max HP. When the shield is shattered, restores 15 rage .Lasts until battle ends, cannot be dispelled.
Unbreakable Shield: If HP is below 25% of max HP before taking action, then restores 70% of max HP and 20 rage, taking effect only once in PVP, or with an internal cooldown of 4 rounds in PVE. Lasts until battle ends, cannot be dispelled.
Passive Effect

Legacy of the forest god, blessed by the shield.
Star Woods: The last land of mystery on Wonderland is a sea of trees in northeastern Luxium. With lush growth and complicated terrains, the forest is full of unknown, save for a small portion on the fringe that the Shadowhunters use as their base. Traveling into the depths of the forest almost means certain death, either from being lost or from being eaten by the monsters in the woods. However, there is a very small chance for the traveler to be led out of the woods a strong man with a giant shield.
This man is Batur, the Chieftain of Alterland, a forest tribe. The strong and brave Alterlans have lived deep inside these woods for generations, conquering the challenging environment and menacing beasts. And Batur is the most powerful of them all.
With a body built like a rock and arms as thick and sturdy as any ancient tree, Batur wields a colossus shield that crushes any and every threat in his way. He knows these woods like the back of his hand, and he roams through them easily, like a breeze.
With shield in hand, Batur is an immovable mountain that protects Alterland and drives away evil.