Soulflame HuntingNormal Attack
Alcander attacks 1 enemy target and deals physical damage equal to 66% of P.ATK. Also places 1 stack of Soul Burn on the target.
Soul Burn: A Burning effect that deals physical damage equal to 70% of the attacker's P.ATK every round before the target takes action, and reduces damage dealt by the target to the attacker by 15%. Lasts 3 rounds, does not stack, can be purified.
Passive Effect
Souleater: Before casting Soulflame Hunting and Soul Pursuit, if the target has a Burn effect, then restores HP equal to 50% of HP lost.
Rancor SoulAdvanced
Alcander attacks all enemies and deals shared physical damage equal to 106% of P.ATK. Also places 1 stack of Soul Burn on them, and refreshes Rancor Armor on self.
Rancor Armor: A shield effect that absorbs damage equal to Alcander's P.ATK*100% (500% in PVP battles). Lasts 3 rounds, does not stack, can be dispelled.
Passive Effect
Will Corruption: Alcander place 1 additional round of Taunt on targets with Rancor Soul and Terror Burst.
Taunt: While the effect is active, the character goes out of control, and automatically attacks the caster when taking action. Lasts 1 round, can be purified.
Splintered Mind: After casting Rancor Soul and Terror Burst, places Soul Shatter on all enemies and restores 15 Mana.
Soul Shatter: Increases the holder's skill damage taken by 15% for 2 rounds. Does not stack, can be purified.
Beginning of FateUltimate
Alcander attacks 4 targets, dealing physical damage equal to 129% of P.ATK, and gains Accumulated Rancor. If he is not in Abyssal Galaxy when he casts a skill, then he summons Abyssal Galaxy and increases his hatred from enemies significantly.
Accumulated Rancor: A Morph status. Reduces Alcander's all damage taken by 25%. In PvE, all of Alcander's damage taken is converted to HP, and stores 100% of the group damage taken (but does not exceed 200% of his max HP). In PvP, if Alcander does not die after taking damage from the skill, then he restores HP equal to 50% of the damage taken (not affected by any healing buff), and stores the same amount (but does not exceed his max HP*100%). Lasts until battle ends, cannot be dispelled.
Abyssal Galaxy: Alcander's exclusive domain, where he places Abyssal Protection on all allies, and Meaningless Resistance on all enemies. Lasts 2 rounds, removed when defeated, cannot be dispelled.
Abyssal Protection: Reduces the holder's damage taken by 35%. Lasts until Abyssal Galaxy is removed or when defeated, cannot be dispelled.
Meaningless Resistance: Increases the holder's skill damage taken by 25%, lasts until Abyssal Galaxy is removed or when defeated, cannot be purified.
Passive Effect
Regretful Obsession: Increases the damage reduction of Accumulated Rancor to 50%.
Destructive Abyss: Increases the damage reduction of Abyssal Protection to 50%.
Eternal Cycle: If Beginning of Fate or Fated End does not kill the main target, then restores 30 Mana. If the main target is killed, then restores HP equal to 50% of the current max HP.
Divine ShackleMastery
Reduces all of Alcander's damage. He becomes immune to Deform, Taunt, Stun, and Cover, and he cannot gain Blood Lock or Ablaze.\nBefore he takes action each turn, for every 1 enemy with Burn, he restores 5 Mana.
After casting Beginning of Fate, he summons an Abyssal Galaxy and places Will Devour on all enemies within the Galaxy.
Will Devour: If the holder has a control effect after taking action each turn, then Alcander gains 1 round of God mode. Lasts until Abyssal Galaxy is removed, cannot be purified.
Passive Effect
Soul PursuitNormal Attack(Lion King Form)
Alcander attacks 1 enemy, dealing physical damage equal to 65% of P.ATK and restoring HP equal to 10% of the current max HP.
Passive Effect
Terror BurstAdvanced(Lion King Form)
Alcander attacks 1 enemy, dealing physical damage equal to 212% of P.ATK and gaining 1 stack of Endless Flames.
Endless Flames: While the effect is active, each stack increases his P.DEF by 25% and M.DEF by 25%. Lasts until battle ends, stacks up to 4 times, cannot be dispelled.
Passive Effect
Fated EndUltimate(Lion King Form)
Alcander attacks 1 enemy, dealing physical damage equal to 258% of P.ATK. He removes his own Accumulated Rancor and gains Soul Rebirth, dealing 100% of the stored damage in Accumulated Rancor.
Soul Rebirth: Reduces the holder's skill damage by 25%. Lasts 1 round, does not stack, cannot be dispelled.
Passive Effect

Reincarnation of stars, resentment of fate.
I have seen the end of too many things...
No matter how prosperous the world becomes, there is only pain, desperation, anger, wailing, and suffering left after the fateful day. In the endless galaxy of worlds and time, hope and beauty are just wishful thinking, and the only thing eternal is fate...
A fate of death and destruction.
As for my fate.. I shall be lost among the stars while I look for the next world to feel their pain when another cycle comes and goes...
Until that day, when he changed me...
'In your roaring flames, I saw a deep and clear river of stars. You shall be Starflame!'
This is no time for nostalgia. The showdown is near, and the demon king that will devour the world is coming. The fated end has shown a glimpse of itself. For the past millions of times, there has only been one ending. But this time...
I shall rip apart the eternal fate!