Source:Gyee Official Website Date:03-09-2020

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We will perform server maintenance at 10 am on Mar.10 (UTC+8), lasting for 30 mins. This may change depending on certain situations. During maintenance, Gyeemates will not be able to log into game. Please adjust your playtime accordingly.


1.The third phase of the GYEE x Nekojishi linkage! Pact gate opens 【Rukai Leopard Spirit】summons. Collect Likulau's Lore Voucher which can be exchanged for Likulau images.

2. A new character - Hachi is coming! Collect "Bloodrunners: Valor"which can be exchanged for Hachi images~

Bloodrunners: Valor can be obtained by following:

1) Daily quest: Oathblades Ambush, Order of Equality and Rupor Show added Love Sapling drops. You can collect Love Saplings to redeem Bloodrunners: Valor and other gifts.

2) The pact gate opens 【Hachi】 summon pool. There is a high probability that Bloodrunners: Valor will be drawn.

3) Bloodrunners: Valor Pack and Likulau's Lore Pack are added in the shop.


1. Arcana Master and Lin Hu Summon card pool will end at 10 March (UTC + 8)

2. Vundo's Secret Bag sold in the shop will be closed.
