A Full Service masseur from Morning Wood.
Specialized in Balinese massage, likes to be alone.
Okan strikes his enemies with mirror images unleashed by the mask, dealing damage equal to 82% of M.ATK, and gains 1 additional stack of Ancient Morale.
Ancient Morale: Each stack increases crit damage by 20%, stacking up to 5 times. Lasts until the end of the battle or defeated. Cannot be dispelled.
Passive Effect
Overwhelm: Increases the crit rate of Spiritual Intimidation by 30%.
Okan's mask devours evil, dealing magical damage equal to 150% of M.ATK. If allies hold Power of Nature (including Okan self), Okan gains Natural Barrier.
Power of Nature: While the effect is active, increases PPEN by 20% and grants 2% Lifesteal (10% in PvP) for 2 rounds. Removed after defeated or the caster of the buff is defeated. Cannot be dispelled.
Natural Barrier: Gains a shield that absorbs 100% of M.ATK (500% in PvP). While the shield is active, becomes immune to control effects for 2 rounds. Can be dispelled.
Passive Effect Voodoo Motif: Increases damage dealt by Menacing Mask by 20%. Vigor: If there are 2 or more stacks of Ancient Morale when casting, then the skill is guaranteed to crit, and places Delay on the target for 2 rounds. Delay: Becomes the last one to take action, regardless of speed. Lasts 2 rounds. Can be purified.
Okan summons ancient spirits, dealing damage equal to 240% of M.ATK to all enemies. He also places Power of Nature on allies that don't have Power of Nature yet, and places 2 stacks of Blessing of nature on allies with Power of Nature. Okan gains 2 stacks of Blessing of Nature as well. He removes all stacks of Ancient Morale from himself.
Power of Nature: While the effect is active, increases PPEN by 20% and grants 2% Lifesteal (10% in PvP) for 2 rounds. Removed after defeated or the caster of the buff is defeated. Cannot be dispelled.
Blessing of Nature: While the effect is active, unable to be controlled, and reduces single target damage taken by 50%. Removes 1 stack after taking single target damage, stacks up to 2 times. Lasts 2 rounds.
Passive Effect Sacrifice: Increases damage dealt by Ancient Wrath by 15%. Fulfilled Wish: If there are 3 or more targets when casting Ancient Wrath, then returns 30 Mana. Possession: Gains 1 stack of Ancient Spirits after casting Ancient Wrath. Ancient Spirits: Each stack increases the crit rate of Ancient Wrath by 20%, stacking up to 5 times. Last until the end of the battle. Cannot be dispelled.
Okan breaks into an exciting and joyful dance for the gods, becoming immune to Silence, Cover and Burn. Increases M.ATK, and 10% for every enemy death, up to 30%. The brave ones are rewarded by the god of nature, so Okan places Power of Nature on 1 random ally after casting a skill (prioritizes targets with high P.ATK and doesn't have the buff). He gains 1 stack of Ancient Morale after casting Spiritual Intimidation and Menacing Mask. At the beginning of the battle, Okan automatically gains 1 stack of Blessing of Nature. While not in PvP, he gains 1 stack of Full Service Passion when there are other Gyees from Full Service in combat.
Power of Nature: While the effect is active, increases PPEN by 20% and grants 2% Lifesteal (10% in PvP) for 2 rounds. Removed after defeated or the caster of the buff is defeated. Cannot be dispelled.
Ancient Morale: Each stack increases crit damage by 20%, stacking up to 5 times. Lasts until the end of the battle or defeated. Cannot be dispelled. Blessing of Nature: While the effect is active, unable to be controlled, and reduces single target damage taken by 50%. Removes 1 stack after taking single target damage, stacks up to 2 times. Lasts 2 rounds.
Full Service Passion: Each stack increases damage dealt by 10%, and grants Okan 1 additional stack of Ancient Morale after casting Ancient Wrath. Lasts until the end of the battle. Cannot be dispelled.
Passive Effect
A warm & easygoing masseur, his cheerful nature masks a troubling past.
There are two new masseurs in Full Service!
The news spread quietly among the customers.
The one with the serious face is the big brother, he's called Oki. The more cheerful one is the younger brother, he's called Okan.
In order to quickly tell them apart, the customers secretly exchange the method to distinguish them.
Okan comes from Morning Wood. He used to be a masseur who works with his twin brother Oki to serve their master, the mysterious owner of Full Service massage parlor. One day, when he and Oki are serving their master, a white light flashes by. They then traverse from Morning Wood to Luxium, where they reunite with their former partners Rald and Kovit. They join the Never Isle branch of Full Service which becomes their new home.
Okan is good at Balinese massage. In contrast with Oki, his personality is warm and cheerful like sunshine. He often gives comfortable and warm massages to his customers. Some of them even get most of their stress-relieve from seeing Okan's warm and kind smile. Okan's sociable personality becomes a sharp weapon for him in dealing with the change in environment. He quickly blends into his new life in Never Isle and actively tries to understand the new world curiously. But a new life means new opportunities. Okan is about to start his own adventure in Luxium.